Unique & Original

Prints & Frames

"Hollow World" • Capture of Monument Rock near Oakley, Ks. This image is published by "KANSAS Magazine".

Any photos from the home page gallery can be purchased below

When I press the shutter and snap a photograph it's beyond just a simple image. I strive to tell a story that brings together the all of the feelings, adventure, and emotions to anyone who views it. A great photo should take us on a journey that gives us that original high of being there in person and inspires someone to explore the world for them selves. It's my soul priority to bring the world right to someones home and share an incredible moment in time that can start a conversation about travel and adventure.

Photography should be given the absolute best chance to shine and leave an impact on an individual. That's why I print only my best moments in time with high-quality ink layered on clean, acid free canvas, and linen paper. Frames are all handcrafted by local woodworkers based in Kansas City and Broken Arrow Oklahoma. Only my absolute best work reaches the honor of being printed and shared with the people who choose to support my passion.


A lot of my work is from the mid-west and Great Plains however, my photography as reached all corners of the world from San Fransisco, California to the shores of Stockholm, Sweden!


Most of my photos were completely planned and shot by my self. That said many of the trips out to snag a shot were done so with a team of friends and co-photographers also looking for an adventure!